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Fall 2024 Trips Schedule

While the Lend A Hand volunteers are on a winter hiatus, we want everyone to know that plans are being made for the 2024 spring season. The first scheduled trip for the new year will be April 21-27 and be heading to Windsor, N.C. to assist with Carolina Rebuilding Ministries. Our second trip will be […]

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Fall Trip Scehdule 2024

Lend A Hand is pleased to announce its fall trip schedule. We have three trips planned: September 22-28, October 20-26 and November 17-23. Presently these trips are scheduled for North Carolina (Sept. to Plymouth, Oct. and Nov. to New Bern) but locations can change depending on conditions caused by weather. At present, the cost for […]

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Fall Update

Lend A Hand has completed its trips for the first half of 2023 and would like to announce our dates for the fall.  We will be taking two trips to New Bern, N.C. one from September 10-16 and a second from Oct. 29-Nov. 4.  A third trip will be going to Windsor, N.C. from Dec. 3-9.   As […]

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Fall Schedule Dates

We have now scheduled three work week dates for the fall of 2023. Those dates will be: September 10-16, Oct. 29-Nov. 4 and Dec. 3-9. Most likely these trips will be going to North Carolina but it is always possible that something can happen over the summer to alter our location. The cost for each […]

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Last Nail Ceremony

Our volunteers working in New Bern NC this week (Nov. 13-19) were able to celebrate the “Last Nail Ceremony” with Miss Mary. This home was built by volunteers over the past few months. Our volunteers helped with the insulation and drywalling.

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